Was today really Monday?

I promise, not too many more days.  Voting officially ends on Wednesday.  I am OVERWHELMED at the number of votes that have been cast (nearly 10,000) for all those cute babies.  Go vote today!

If you know of someone in the NICU or has been in the NICU, has experienced infant loss or has had a preemie, please direct them to Hand to Hold.  Even if they don’t live in Central Texas, there are so many resources on that website.  Surely, I do not know how I would’ve weathered the NICU stay…and the past year, without my mentor, Kelli.  She just ‘gets it’ and that is just what I needed.

Ok, on to my Monday.  It started out like any other.  Alarm went off at 6:15, I begrudingly got up five minutes later, hit the shower and put out three fights, directed kid traffic, and solved three problems all before finishing blowdrying my hair.  Arg.  The time change needs to take effect with my kids.  And soon.

Anywiddle, Scott and the bigs headed off to school at 7:35 and me and the littles got started on washing dishes, clothes and hineys.  I even started dinner sometime before 8am.  Yep.  I AM Martha Stewart.  I put down Luke for a nap at 9, knocked out a little work, loved on Clare and then started folding laundry.

I had just put the whites in the washing machine, with a bit ‘o bleach.  On a whim, I decided to fetch a hanger in the laundry room.  I stepped in an inch of water and yelled out an unnamed *$&%.  I dropped the clothes, turned off the washer and grabbed as many towels as I could.  Then, I realized that the water wasn’t just in the laundry room, but it was seeping into the garage.  ####.  Another fun word.

Then I placed an emergency call to Scott.  We have this code.  If I call him once on his cell and he doesn’t answer, then he’s in a meeting.  If he gets a second call on said cell, he knows I mean business.  He picked up on the first ring.  Um, let’s just say our marriage counselor would not be happy with my “harsh start up.” 

No, I did not say, “Hey sweeheart, how’s your day?  I was just calling to see if you could tell me how to turn off the water.  Little problem, nothing major.  Everything is totally fine.  Just wondering.  Thanks sweetums.”

I’ll, um, just say that I was not that kind.  I was freaking out.  The last time we had a leak in the laundry room it was a complete remodel.  Please, Lord, not today.

I called the plumber, but not before pouring myself a glass of wine.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I waded through that damn water, out to the garage fridge, found the screwtop bottle of wine, waded back through that damn water, into the dining room, located the wine glass, poured a half glass and waited for Scott to walk through the back door.  By the time he arrived 10 minutes later, freak out Kathryn had left the building and in her place was a quite nice, very charming version of myself.

Scott fixed the problem lickety-split, I cancelled the plumber 411 and then I mopped up the floor.  It’s shining now!  Scott went back to work, I finished the laundry and went back to my day.

Moral of the story?  Always have a bottle of screwtop wine chilled in your fridge.


  1. lauraann on November 9, 2010 at 4:07 am

    Scott.. I continue to believe you are a blessed man (with a shiny clean laundry room floor)!
    I 'heart' KW!
    love to all of you! xxooo L

  2. Verdina Louisa on November 10, 2010 at 12:52 am

    I can't believe you didn't go for the sippie cup or anything else that was handy… you went fo the wine glass! I know it wasn't funny, but I can't help it. I really love you guys!

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