Top Ten: Many Thanks

‘Tis the season for thankfulness! We’re starting my favorite time of year (next to birthday season, of course). I hope your house is getting as excited as mine.

I recall a few years ago, being pretty down in the dumps. Will was just a couple of months old, I was stressing about my career path and wondering just what God had in store for our family. It was a visit with my priest, Fr. Richard, where he encouraged me to make a list of all the things in which I was thankful. I came across that list the other day, and nearly 8 years later, the list is very much the same. A fantastic reminder that the temporal things in life always change…but the things that matter always stand the test of time.

May you and your family have a wonderful day of thanks tomorrow. Gobble, gobble.


1. My marriage. Amidst all the things that come with having 4 children, I’ll admit that sometimes my marriage takes the back seat. But no matter what, I’m thankful that Scott and I are in this for the long haul. Thank you God for giving me such an honorable, honest, faithful man to love.

2. Food to eat. I have no doubt many of us will indulge in a little gluttony tomorrow. Let us not forget to be thankful for the abundance…and to share with those in most need.

3. My health. Fertility has given me gall stones and kidney stones (and the occasional migraine), genetics gave me a crooked back, but all in all, they’re pretty minor compared to the crosses other folks carry.

4. That I’m able to stay home. The thankfulness for that gift continues to grow with each passing year. This is the hardest, most demanding job I’ve ever had, yet we keep coming back for more 🙂 Wouldn’t trade it for 1,000,000 free Dr. Peppers.

5. For 2 paid-for cars. Clearly, that was 8 years ago. I’m just thankful we made it through the year with no wrecks to our still-financed ones!!

6. Scott’s happiness with his job. Man, he is so good at what he does. He comes home with so many ideas on how to do his job better. I only wish the rest of the world looked at the gift of treasure through his eyes.

7. For all my rights as an American. There are so many, aren’t there? I’m especially thankful for the men and women who fight for them everyday. John, you’re at the top of our list this holiday season. We hope the year in Iraq is a short one.

8. For an awesome church. We have found a really wonderful community at St. Theresa. Our friends provide us with support, laughs and a dose of reality!

9. For our ability to conceive and raise our child. When we first got married, we all think this one is a given. Life experience has taught me otherwise. My kids crack me up – most of the time – and it’s an honor to be their mom.

10. Safety of my entire family. This list was generated shortly after 9/11. I remember how raw that feeling was, how much we were all searching for some peace in the world. Let’s don’t forget those who long for the safety we take for granted.

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