Clare, The Resident Ray of Sunshine, Turns Nine!

It’s birthday letter time! Enjoy.

Dear Clare,

Where do I even begin? When we say you are the house ray of sunshine, we mean it.

Our house is littered with signs of your loving heart. On any given day we can find you in the office, busily crafting away, making love notes and projects for your family and friends. Dad and I are usually the major beneficiaries and my nightstand proves it. Just this week you made more than a dozen tissue paper flowers and passed them out to your friends at your birthday party. Please do your mama one favor: never lose that generous heart of yours.

You also happen to be a hoarder. Each summer when you go off to camp and dad and I clean your room, I am always amazed (or horrified) at what we find. To you, everything is a treasure. I’m pretty sure you still have me in the doghouse for that stuffed animal I gave away. Four years ago.

Like your oldest brother, you are a voracious reader. As in, you put on your glasses (oh, I’ll talk about those in a minute!) and head upstairs to disappear for a few hours. When we can’t find you, it’s usually because you’ve holed up somewhere and lost yourself in a book. I love it.

The glasses! They’re purple, of course, and used just for reading. The doctor says you may have a small issue and that glasses might help the eye strain a bit. You are religious about wearing them when reading. To be honest, it’s one of my favorite sights of you – glasses on, brow furrowed, book in hand and you’re deep in thought.

You adore school and all your friends are your BFFs. In many ways, you remind me of your dad. Always the peacekeeper, always the friend, always the confidant.

That tender heart of yours also means you feel all the feelings and there might be drama. It’s usually short-lived and we can typically talk you down before it gets too epic. Luke trumps you in that department.

You’re our dancer and our dreamer and you tell us, almost daily, that you want to be a Dominican Sister. Whatever path God has for you, I trust you will allow Him to be your main squeeze. You take the Sacraments seriously and you’re usually the first one to remind us to pray when something comes up.

Sometimes it’s hard to be the middle sister and the middle sibling. But, I think if anyone is up for the challenge it’s you. You still hold my hand, snuggle close in the morning, give hugs and kisses and tell me that I’m the “best mom ever.” Oh Clare, I have loved being your mom and it will be a joy to see your life unfold as a nine-year-old.

Thanks for being the ray and the beacon on the days I need it most.

Happy birthday, sweetheart. June babies unite!




  1. Grete on June 28, 2016 at 3:18 pm

    Happy Birthday, Clare! Our Norah is 9 today, too. She also wear glasses and loves to read!

  2. Andrea on June 29, 2016 at 5:01 pm

    Happy birthday Clare. My youngest just turned 9 yesterday. June babies ?

  3. Molly on July 4, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    I have the picture of the note she left Lauryn last year. She met her for 24 hours and was already her best friend 🙂

    • Kathryn on July 5, 2016 at 5:35 pm

      Clare LOVES a good note.

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