Easter People with Pink Eye

Our Easter was (mostly) great. We’re always excited to have Scott home. His office takes the same holidays as our kids’ Catholic school. Benefit of working for the church! For the past several years, we’ve made Easter weekend one full of hard labor. And, nothing says hard labor like two cubic yards of compost and four palettes of grass.

My hamstrings concur.

While I was bent over laying sod, Clare says, “You should blog about this, Mom.” Scott died laughing. I promise there are before and after photos coming soon.

The Triduum and Easter Mass were touch and go for a few days with Gianna, then John Paul getting sick, but we were all fever free and made a run for it. So glad we did. Scott was able to take the bigs to Holy Thursday and I took them for Good Friday. We even snuck in our annual making dinner for the Sisters on Holy Saturday. It’s a highlight every year. The menu this year? Pulled Pork Tacos with Sweet Chili Slaw. On Easter Sunday, the church looked spectacular, it was filled to the brim with people and our priest gave us just the right challenge to go and live our Easter season. Glorious.


After Mass, we headed home and almost caught the Easter Bunny hiding our baskets. Stinker. We enjoyed a light lunch with my cousin and parents and I bribed everyone to take some “nice” photos while they all looked bright and shiny. Good thing you can’t hear the groans in the photos. Someday, I’ll be thanked for these.

I’m holding onto that, so don’t burst my bubble.



And, of course, one of the birthday boys! Sorry, Dad, looks like your grandson is officially taller than you. I’m only an inch behind!


Then, on to more important issues. Like hunting and cascarones. That must be a southern thing. They’re confetti filled eggs and a highlight of every Easter. Gianna wasn’t so sure about them, but everyone else loved ’em.



While the bigs prepared for hunting war, Gianna was content to inspect her loot.




Luke was not impressed.easter_0566

Once we got all the confetti out of our hair, it was a mish mash of naps, XBox, sibling “love” and more cooking. While my dad and Scott whipped up some fabulous steaks, I made the birthday boys an apple pie, from scratch. I’m not sure I’ll ever buy another pie crust again. No evidence of the food spread because it got eaten so fast! The weather was so beautiful we were able to enjoy it, sitting on our new patio. Picture perfect, really. I forgot to paint the kids’ eggs, we didn’t dye any either, the resurrection cookies never got made and the peg dolls I was supposed to finish never got started. Shoot, I didn’t even set an Easter table. And guess what? Easter still happened and we still loved it.

As I sat on the couch that night, with a happy heart, something caught my eye. And I thought, sheez, am I really crying about today? It wasn’t until 3am I realized I had pink eye, in both eyes. And it’s been just as much fun as one would imagine. The amount of times I’ve Googled, “do I really have to throw out my eye makeup” really shouldn’t be tabulated.

Onward and upward. How was your Easter?


  1. Verdina on March 31, 2016 at 8:47 am

    God blessed you with a beautiful day with your beautiful family before slamming you with pink eye! So sorry your day ended like that, and hope it clears up real soon (& that you keep it to yourself!),

    Alleluia! He is risen!


  2. Erin on April 4, 2016 at 10:18 am

    I REALLY hope you threw it away. I was stubborn and hard headed about it and didn’t concede until I battled pink eye 3 times in the course of 3 months. Not my brightest moment. I spent more on doctors visits and prescriptions than if I’d just thrown it away to start with!

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