I Can’t Make This Stuff Up. Seriously.

Let’s start with the great stuff.

Last weekend many of the 4-Hers from our North Austin club participated in a dual competition between District 10 4-H and the San Antonio Livestock Show & Rodeo, the Consumer Decision Making contest. 4-Hers are given a scenario and four different products and they’re asked to rank the “class” from best to worst. Classes range from cookware to outdoor equipment to nutritious snacks. And, the older kids (12+) must give oral reasons in 1-2 classes in front of a panel of judges.

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Our senior team placed second among 45 teams – what?! – and advanced to the state competition. How fun to be recognized for smart shopping. Totally my kind of competition. Anna-Laura placed 2nd in our district and just out of the top ten for San Antonio. She and Clare’s team placed in the top five for both competitions  and for many of them, it was their first time competing! It was a great day for our club, and our county.

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As we jetted home after a full day of festivities, I get a phone call from Scott.

“Soooo, how far are you from home?” he asks.

You know how you just know something bad is about to follow that statement, but you’re in pure denial?

To sum it up in a few sentences, Scott accidentally cut off part of his finger while prepping dinner (um, OW). But, being the awesome husband he is, he rubbed some dirt in it, wrapped it up to stop the bleeding and got the burgers on the grill so we could eat dinner while he drove himself to the ER. While he was trying to be Super Dad, Luke promptly threw up all over the kitchen floor. So, not only did he cut off an appendage and get dinner cooked, but he cleaned up puke with one hand.

I know. Dad of the Year.

Now that we’re on the other side of that crazy, his finger is healing well, Luke’s tummy was a fluke thing (I was completely freaked out it was a bowel obstruction with his history) and the kitchen floor got steam mopped.

All’s well that ends well.


  1. Nicole on February 29, 2016 at 8:23 am

    Oh. My. Goodness. What a day!!! Oh geesh…so sorry to hear about Scott’s injury. Is he okay? Did they do surgery? I’m just recalling Emory’s compound fracture and his finger that was literally hanging on by a ‘thread’… No fun. 🙁 Will be praying for you all!

    • Kathryn on March 21, 2016 at 9:05 am

      He had a clean cut and it healed beautifully. Scott is a tough nut!

  2. Beth (A Mom's Life) on February 29, 2016 at 11:12 am

    Yikes! I could not have lobbed off part of my finger and then cleaned up puke. Just couldn’t do it. There aren’t enough beers or Diet Dr. Pepper’s to make that happen! I’m glad everyone is feeling better.

  3. Eleonor on March 9, 2016 at 12:21 am

    Don’t we love those heroic fathers? I hope Scott is healing well!

    • Kathryn on March 21, 2016 at 9:03 am

      He’s back! I married a keeper.

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